8 Top Reasons HR Staff Need to Participate in Social Media for Career Success

These days using social media for career success is vital. Active social media participation is an essential tool in networking with professional contacts, making new contacts, recruiting employees, and keeping in touch with the world. If you’re not participating in the top social media and networking sites, the world is leaving you behind and you could be missing out on linking up with some top tier candidates.

There are so many social media platforms out there today; the best platforms that will help to enable and grow your network are Twitter , Facebook , and LinkedIn . Social media sites will play an increasing role in networking, career advancement, and professional success.

Below we have put together our ten top reasons why HR Professional needs to participate in social media for career success:

Reason 1: Stay in touch with colleagues and friends

You can use social media to help track down people from your past, once you have located them and added them to your existing profile, you’ll never lose them again.

Reason 2: Help colleagues find you

By using social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, you will be able to locate former colleagues, friends, and associates who will most likely have profiles.

Reason 3: Find candidates for jobs

You can use social media platforms to help you find candidates for positions you are trying to fill.  Make sure that you use your current employees by asking them to broadcast available positions to their networks. By advertising your available positions on employee networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook, you can really attract some top talent from these sources.

Reason 4: Develop a recruiting network

You can use your social network to help build up a candidate pool of potential employees with skills that will become increasingly scarce. It is easy to link up with people with the skills you are looking for and when an opportunity arises you are then able to engage with them without having to try to look from scratch.

Reason 5: Find a new job

You can use social media as a platform to help develop your career, using social media sites to help you in finding that perfect new job. By using sites such as LinkedIn, you can get endorsements for skills you possess from colleagues and employees. Future employers are using social media more and more to background check a candidate and having a full profile with lots of endorsements will certainly not hurt your chances getting the attention of a would-be employer.

Reason 6: Use Social Media to help establish your online brand

The information you put in your social media profiles will eventually serve you well to promote your career progress, you can use it to boost your brand and profile, thereby helping to attract top talent to your organization.

Reason 7: Join groups that share your interests, your community, or your profession

Facebook, as an example, allows you to create groups. You could become a member of a LinkedIn HR Group , these industry groups are a fantastic way to meet new people and be introduced to the latest trends affecting or influencing your industry.

Reason 8: Build community around your product or service

You can use social media to show potential candidates and clients that you are approachable, likable, knowledgeable, and out there on social media? Word of mouth marketing provides the most powerful opportunity for you to reach people and for people to reach you. by engaging in forums and blogs on your company website, forums, and blogs within your Human Resources Intranet, and other online community will help to develop this sense of community. Connections are the key to growing a strong business and using social media to help you do this is a sure way to succeed.