Degree Fraud is on the Rise in South Africa, Employers must be aware!

Degree fraud is on the rise in South Africa and employers must be aware. South Africa is in the midst of a tough economic time and with record levels of unemployment being the reality. South Africans are taking chances and frequently representing themselves in order to boost their chances of getting gainful employment.

If the employer or recruitment agent does not take the necessary steps to verify and validate the job applicants’ supporting documents, then they are opening themselves up to the possibility and risk of hiring a candidate who is totally unqualified to handle the position they are appointed to.

The danger to employers of employing fraudsters and organized crime kingpins has risen exponentially with the advent of new technology being used by degree mills to make their fake degrees and diplomas look exactly like the real thing.

The upsurge of fake qualifications finding their way into the marketplace poses a real threat as these documents could be used to secure jobs to the detriment of companies.

The danger to employers of employing fraudsters and organized crime kingpins has risen exponentially with the advent of new technology being used by degree mills to make their fake degrees and diplomas look exactly like the real thing.

The level of fraud varies considerably, from degrees, diplomas, and certificates that are outright frauds, having most likely been through the internet from one of the many overseas degree mills – to documents that have been tampered with.

What we are seeing most common within the marketplace is situations where individuals are producing forged degrees that they had not studied for or changing marks to show that they had passed subjects which they had in fact failed or not studied at all.

Hawks spokesperson Paul Ramaloko also says the use of fake degrees and diplomas is increasing. “It’s incumbent on employers to do proper checks. Once the employers raise the flag then we investigate,” Ramaloko says.

Don’t take the chance of employing someone who is in fact not qualified. We have a number of powerful and affordable background verification solutions that are designed to take the risk out of appointing new staff. If you would like to know more about our host of services, please do not hesitate to contact one of our friendly sales consultants today!

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